i've been selected as the incoming editor in chief of Psychological Science. i am thrilled, humbled, and excited for this next chapter, and very grateful for all the people who invited, accompanied, and mentored me through all the previous chapters.
i want to share the vision statement i submitted with my application for the position - it's linked below. i wrote this a little while ago, before i knew much about the inner workings of the journal, so some of my thinking about these topics has evolved and will continue to evolve.
in the next few months, i'll likely publish a column in the APS Observer, as well as an opening editorial, with more concrete information about what will change and what will stay the same at the journal. the one thing i can promise is that authors will now be required to put two spaces after every period.*
as always, this blog reflects my personal views only, and not the views of the journal, APS, my university, or any other group to which i belong.
link to vision statement [pdf]
* sadly, this is not within my powers. also my students would find every instance of two spaces in every manuscript and correct it.