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Arina Bones

No one dares say that hate Nosek's guts in public? Well, let me be the first, if only to help unleash the backlog. Anyone whose last name can pronounced either as Nosack or Nosex has got to be a douche, amirite?

Brian Nosek

Dr. Bones, you are an embarrassment to yourself.



I don't appreciate your personal attack on Arina, Brian. Arina's criticism was purely scientific.

Tony Freitas

In reference to point 3, key people, I recommend more people throw their hat in the ring for editing. I remember a few years ago (when I was assoc ed. at pspb) suggesting to a reproducible-science-minded person that he (it was a he) consider being an editor, and he said that if he did, no papers would be published. That person went on to make huge impacts in other ways. But I hope more people with varied backgrounds seek out editorial positions. It is often thankless (I think I have more enemies now), but arguably an influential place to be as standards are changing among authors AND reviewers.

Example: I recently handled (at jesp) a paper where I asked for direct replication from the authors. The authors subsequently reported two attempts, with larger samples, neither one yielding anywhere near the size of the effect from the initial (greatly underpowered) study or a significant effect. The authors still argued for their effect, based on a meta-analysis showing the overall effect to be different from 0 (p was about .045). However, the effect size from the first study (and the only one significant on its own) lay OUTSIDE the .95 CI (and excluding that one atypical finding from the meta-analysis would have caused the overall effect to not be different from 0). The response of one reviewer: Collapse the data from the three studies into a single study, to avoid the "awkward" finding that the study with the tiniest sample had triple the effect size of the other studies. If this is the kind of issue you or readers of your blog would like to be able to make a decision on, it might be worth considering throwing your hat in the ring for editing.


I love you Dr. Bones ! Please write more articles :)

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